Architects: Peter Zumthor.
Location: Andelsbuch, Austria.
Year: 2013.
Photographs: Adolf Bereuter, Florian Holzherr.

The preferred building materials of modern architects are glass and wood. Since it grows abundantly in the forests of the Bregenzerwald, wood has been utilised for construction purposes for centuries. As a result, the Bregenzerwald’s artisans and architects have developed excellent woodworking talents. As in the present, great care is taken to ensure that the wood is felled at the proper time and allowed to gently dry out before being processed in accordance with its real nature. With time, the sun and rain give the facades their colour. Furniture has its own unique personality thanks to the soft wax finish and natural hardwood appearance. The new structures have a remarkable variety of spatial and functional aspects but are generally plain, often even verging on provocative. High standards for aesthetics go hand in hand with high needs for sustainability and energy efficiency. For heating and hot water, renewable energy is widely used; solar panels and other photovoltaic technology may be seen on many homes. These uses also include geothermal heat and wood. For instance, the inside climate is improved through the use of energy-conscious construction techniques and environmentally friendly materials. As a result of the new structures’ reliance on historical building practises, an intriguing debate develops. All communities are filled with both private homes and hotels constructed using contemporary building techniques.